A Quick Guide to Listing Your Products on Makro Marketplace 🔎
In this blog, we'll provide you with essential insights and tips to effectively and well… correctly list your products on Makro Marketplace 😉 From single products to bulk imports, we've got you covered. Let's dive in and explore the process.

Understanding the Product Dashboard
The Makro Marketplace product dashboard provides a centralised hub for managing your inventory and product listings. It displays various statuses for your products.
Let’s have a closer look 👀

- The "Live Products" section displays the number of approved products that are currently in stock and ready to be sold to customers
- The "Active" status indicates products that have been approved and are currently available for sale on Makro Marketplace
Sellers have the flexibility to deactivate active products when needed
- The "Approved" section represents the number of products that have successfully passed Makro's review process and are now listed on the marketplace
- The "Pending Approval" status shows the number of products that you have submitted for review and are awaiting approval from Makro
- The "Rejected," status indicates the number of products that have been rejected by Makro
Monitoring the product dashboard regularly allows you to keep track of the status of your listings and take appropriate actions

Searching for an existing product ?
Within the product dashboard, locate the search bar specifically designed to search for existing products.
1️⃣ Use the search bar to find the product you’re selling
You can search for the product name, barcode or SKU

2️⃣ Click on the product

3️⃣ Add your Seller SKU, Quantity, and Price
It's important to note that when multiple sellers offer the same product on Makro Marketplace the platform assigns the order to the seller with the best (lowest) price

Adding a new single product ?
You have the option to create a fresh listing from scratch. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to add a new single product to Makro Marketplace:

1️⃣ Go to the “Add products” tab and click “I want to add a new product not sold on merchant”

2️⃣ Select the appropriate category for your product

3️⃣ Navigate through the hierarchy of categories and select the sub-category that best corresponds to your product

4️⃣ Provide accurate and detailed information about your product (Product name, brand, description, attributes (such as colour, size, material, and any other relevant information)

5️⃣ Scroll down to add images
Upload high-quality images of your product, with a white background. You can add multiple images

6️⃣ Scroll down to set pricing details
Determine the price at which you want to sell your product. Consider factors such as production costs, market demand, competition, and your desired profit margin. Ensure that your pricing aligns with the value and quality of your product
7️⃣ Specify the quantity of the product you have available for sale on Makro Marketplace. This helps in managing stock and prevents overselling
8️⃣ Select the appropriate pick/packing timeline and provide accurate product dimensions. It is crucial to establish clear expectations regarding shipping weight and timeframes for product collection.
Bulk import ?
When you have a large number of products to list on Makro Marketplace, utilising the bulk import feature can save you time and effort.
When doing a bulk import you can only upload one category at a time

1️⃣ Go to the “Add products” tab and click “I want to upload a file with multiple products”

2️⃣ Determine the category or categories under which your products fall
Makro Marketplace offers various categories to ensure your products are listed in the most relevant sections

3️⃣ Click “Get Template”
4️⃣ Open the downloaded template and start populating it with your product details. Each column in the template corresponds to a specific attribute or piece of information about your products, such as product name, description, SKU, price, quantity, and other relevant attributes
5️⃣ If your products require images, you may need to provide the image URL’s in the template. Ensure that you follow the specified guidelines for image formats and resolutions.

6️⃣ Return to the Makro Marketplace product dashboard, select the appropriate file from your computer and upload the document
7️⃣ Hit “Upload”

There are some limitations to Bulk Importing products through loadsheets, such as adding only one image per product during bulk importing. However, you can easily edit your products on the Makro dashboard to include additional images.
These images must have a white background
1️⃣ Open the products tab and click on “Manage Products”

2️⃣ Click on the product you’d like to add images for

3️⃣ Click on “Add Image” to add additional images
You can drag & drop or add images by URL

Remember, the product dashboard serves as your control center, providing valuable information on the status of your listings. Regularly monitoring and managing your listings will ensure you stay on top of your game at all times.
How Wherehouse changes the game…

When you integrate Makro with Wherehouse you can streamline your product import process
Product data
We can ingest rich product attribute data (like colour, brand etc.) from various sources. This data can then be used to update your products on Makro, ensuring accurate and up-to-date information.
Our system generates loadsheets specifically designed for bulk product imports onto Makro.
These loadsheets simplify the process, allowing you to import products across different categories with just a single loadsheet.
It's a time-saving feature that enhances your efficiency.

Category Mapping
Our Dashboard offers you the flexibility to configure and map categories across platforms in a standardised manner.
This means you can easily align your product categories with Makro's predefined categories.
Once the mapping is complete, you can effortlessly generate a loadsheet to import products for multiple categories on Makro.

With a Makro-Wherehouse integration your product stock will sync automatically
Orders - Our Dashboard allows you to have an omni-channel view of an order life-cycle. Orders placed on Makro can automatically create in your preferred destination systems.
Stock - Our integrations support dynamic pricing rules on a per-platform basis. You can decide which products to send to Makro.
In summary, integrating Makro with Wherehouse can be a game-changer, you can simplify your product import workflow and enjoy the following benefits:
- Efficiently manage and update product attributes on Makro using data from various sources
- Save time by generating a single loadsheet to import products across multiple categories on Makro
- Maintain consistency and accuracy by mapping your product categories to Makro's predefined categories
- Simplify the process of bulk importing products onto Makro with user-friendly loadsheets
- Allowing for automatic stock synchronisation
- An omni-channel view of the order life-cycle
Experience a seamless and efficient integration experience, all in one place and now conveniently available wherever you are: