Tips for eCommerce store owners who aren’t “techies” 👨‍💻

Basic tips for eCommerce store owners that are not tech savvy

Tips for eCommerce store owners who aren’t “techies” 👨‍💻
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Feeling like this guy ?

Not all e-commerce store owners consider themselves "techie", especially if you’re just starting out. Many people start online businesses without a strong technical background, and it can be intimidating to try to learn all of the ins and outs of web development, SEO, and other technical skills.
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1️⃣ Keep your website simple
When it comes to website design, less is often more. You don't need to have a complicated website design or a lot of technical features to have a successful online store. Focus on creating a clean, user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate and helps customers find what they are looking for.
2️⃣ Use existing e-commerce platforms
If you're not comfortable with building a website from scratch, consider using an existing eCommerce platform like Shopify, WooCommerce, or Ecwid. These platforms have user-friendly interfaces and offer a variety of templates and plugins to help you create a professional-looking online store without the need for advanced technical skills.
3️⃣ Outsource technical tasks
If you're not comfortable with handling technical tasks like website maintenance or search engine optimisation (SEO), consider outsourcing these tasks to a freelancer or agency. This can help ensure that your website is running smoothly and optimized for search engines, without requiring you to learn new technical skills.
4️⃣ Keep customer service a priority
Providing exceptional customer service is key to building a successful e-commerce business. Respond promptly to customer inquiries and address any issues or concerns quickly and professionally.
5️⃣ Use social media
Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter can be great tools for promoting your online store and reaching new customers. You don't need to be a social media expert to use these platforms effectively; simply post engaging content and interact with your followers to build a loyal customer base.
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1️⃣ Automate as much as you can
As an eCommerce store owner, you should
  • Know your product
  • Market your product
  • Provide good after sales service
What you shouldn’t be doing:
  • Manually creating invoices
  • Typing/writing out package waybills
  • Manage stock across platforms
  • Sit in front of Excel all day
2️⃣ An effective SKU System
SKU’s are important
You need to ensure that they are:
  • unique
  • contain no spaces
  • no special characters like “!&^@()$”
3️⃣ After sale systems
Ensure that customers have a way to:
  • Track their order status & retrieve previous orders without needing to contact customer support
  • Use a plugin to ensure customer data is validated at checkout
Imagine not having a method to contact your customer

Written by

Marelize Smith
Marelize Smith

Head of Community at

    Written by

    Giovanni Joubert
    Giovanni Joubert

    Founder at